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Somewhere over a rainbow - bouleversant, magic little everyday moments

It's a Saturday morning. Under a wide blue sky, the big-hearted autumn sun warms up a world which had cooled off overnight. Everyone is asleep. Hubby, my not-quite-two-year-old Little One, and my Puppy-Girl. I'm standing at my laptop at the kitchen counter, a hot teacup at grateful hand. I could take my laptop and go and sit on the couch and curl up beneath a warm rug. In fact, I'd like very much to go and do that. But then Puppy-Girl, who's sleeping at my feet, wouldn't be able to follow me through the child-proof gate. And I don't want to lessen our little pocket of quiet time together. Just me and her. Not to mention, she will then move to sit at the gate so she can regard me reproachfully. So I tell myself that standing to type is good for me.  In this little oasis of time, I breathe and my thoughts start to settle. I can stop having to react to everything, and let my thoughts slow and stretch. Think a little bit. Mull. Be introspective. Turn inwa
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The Flower in a Bag

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Welcome to PonderBananeMangoSweet Street

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Painting petit-à-petit

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