ReeD is the online pen-name of Reena Dobson—writer, mummy, wifey, doggy-wrangler, PhD holder, drawing-doodler, ex-tropical island girl, reader (or, pun-alert, 'reeder') and daydreamer.
The version you meet depends on what hat she's wearing at the time. She's a skilled hat wearer and a hopeless multi-tasker.
This blog is a home for her introspective ramblings, where you'll find her thoughts on all the different hats she wears.
ReeD has always had stories running around in her head, but when she joined Twitter, she found a tentative outlet for her creativity (her 'cree-ativity') in the micro-fiction (tweet-length pieces of fiction) and the writing communities. From there, she began pursuing her creative writing with a vengeance because she realised the world was never going to stop and give her time to write. She now writes at the edges, in sunshine and under cover of darkness.
ReeD has always had stories running around in her head, but when she joined Twitter, she found a tentative outlet for her creativity (her 'cree-ativity') in the micro-fiction (tweet-length pieces of fiction) and the writing communities. From there, she began pursuing her creative writing with a vengeance because she realised the world was never going to stop and give her time to write. She now writes at the edges, in sunshine and under cover of darkness.
You can find ReeD on her:
Twitter (where she goes by the handle @ReeDwithaBee)
Instagram (ditto @ReeDwithaBee)
Website for her self-publishing projects: