I wrote a tiny snapshot story a while ago and did an illustration to go with it.
This was the final drawing.
It was a surprisingly long journey to get to this final image.
This was where I started. A rough sketch of the image in my head, hand-scribbled in a scrapbook with my watercolour brush pens.
I got LittleOne's help to add water to the image. (Shout-out to LittleOne for the skill in making the puddle look so reflective!)
Time to play in the phone photoshop express app. Do I like the mud splotches? Not sure yet. Let me try without.
Actually, let's feel free and experiment.
Oooh, I remembered I can draw in the photoshop app now. Can I get the sky to be the shade of dark I want? Yes, I think I can.
Let me try darkening the figure. Adding more detail to the dogs. While I'm at it, let me get rid of some all the white/uncoloured bits.
Make the vineyards more olive-y green. Maybe darken the orange earth some more?
Tone down the yellows.
And we are done!
Not bad and a surprisingly long way from the original pen scratches to almost meeting the original image in my head.
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