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Showing posts from June, 2022

I'm starting a newsletter

It's June 2022. My last blogpost was at the end of March 2022. There's a reason for the gap. You see, at the start of April 2022, I fell down a rabbit hole about newsletters. I've thought about newsletters on and off before. It was one, maybe two, years ago that I plaintively tweeted a question about why writers are supposed to do newsletters. Yet, it's the recurring advice to all writers and wannabee writers and any kind of creator - build yourself a mailing list!  The logic begins: the mailing list is yours, people sign up because they want to know more about you and your work, and it's how you can share news about yourself, your writing, any new books. A newsletter lets you market yourself to a dedicated audience.  The logic continues: it's all very well building huge follower numbers on social media, but if anything happens to that social media platform or to your account on that platform, you're back to square one from a marketing perspective.  This mak