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I saw a UFO

In September 2024, while I was on the west coast of Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean, I saw an unidentified flying object (UFO).

My LittleOne and I were on a rooftop balcony. We were staring idly above the tops of the trees to the west, where there was still the faintest leftover pineapple glow in the sky.

Then, we shifted our gaze slightly to the same tops of the trees, but in the south-west, where the sky had already darkened to a soft, purpley-crimson. 

There were three stars in the sky.

One of the stars, just above the tree line was smudged. As though it had a faint mist around it.

The other two stars, by contrast, were perfectly clear.

In the above photo (not taken on the UFO evening), if you look closely, you can see two stars. The third, smudged star was to the left of these two stars.

I pointed out the smudgy star to LittleOne and wondered out loud 'why was it smudged?' There were no clouds in the sky.

As we stared at it, we realised the smudgy star was actually moving. Towards us.

The smudgy star moved in a slow, steady trajectory from south-west to north-east, straight over the rooftop balcony where we were.

I, of course, didn't have my phone anywhere near me. 

As LittleOne and I stood and watched, the smudgy star got bigger as it came closer overhead. It was still high in the sky and it still just looked like a star, except that it was larger than any star in the sky could be. Its starlight was like fluorescent white light. There was no beam or brightness that made it difficult to look at. It also still had a smudge around it.

The UFO/star paused. High in the sky, right above our heads.

It still resembled a bigger-than-normal-star. And with that smudge.

It paused for maybe 3-4 seconds, then the smudge started moving out and away from the UFO/star in a perfect circle. (In people terms, I want to describe it like the UFO/star giving a 'cough' or a 'backfire' - except without any noise - to capture the way the UFO paused, before the smudge suddenly moved outwards in a circle. As though it had been detached or shaken off.)

The UFO then turned on two 'headlights' of white light, which were separate to its starlight. Like high beams. These high beams lit up a portion of the still-widening/retreating smudge circle, highlighting a semi-circle.

In this crude outline, I've drawn what we could see above our heads. I've drawn two lots of 'smudge circles' to try and show how it was moving outwards, widening away from the UFO - though I'll emphasise there was only one smudge circle. The dotted lines represent the 'headlight high beams' which lit up part of the smudge circle.

It's important to add that these 'high beams' were at the rear of the UFO.

Now smudge-free, the UFO then started slowly moving again, maintaining its trajectory from south-west to north-east.

The 'high beams' went off and the UFO moved steadily towards the north-east sky again, until it looked indistinguishable from any other star (to me).

LittleOne, with excellent eyesight, said that, around this time, the UFO changed colour. It went from star-white to green-and-orange, and then later to purple-and-pink.


And that was it. Our moment of seeing a very distinctly unidentified flying object, complete with lights and smoke smudges.



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