The purpose of this petite post is pics of pretty purple petals.
This looks like I'm cheating because it looks pinkish rather than purple, but it is definitely a subdued lavender colour in real life. If I can get a more accurate pic, I will.
Well, purple flowers actually. But why start with accuracy when there's a chance for alliteration😁
The inspiration for this post came from the very lovely and generous Maria Carvalho on Twitter (who was also the amazing and stalwart co-editor of my Five Senses anthology). She responded to a couple of purple flower photos I posted, cheerfully asking how many amazing purple flowers were there in my part of the world.
Not many, I replied back.
I was wrong.
As is the way of things, I immediately went on to notice several more purple/lavender/mauve flowers in the world around me.
So I decided to do a purple flower photo essay.
(Please note though, that I'm the opposite of a botanist and have no idea what (m)any of these flowers are called!)
A kind of wisteria (I think)
I've been told these ones are called Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow- to reflect how they glide through colours starting with rich purple to mauve-y lavender then white.
I only just met these ones and have no idea what their name is.
Tiny purpley flowers with bright orangey-yellow (then black) berries.
These seem to be commonly planted on roadsides. Purple seeds and mauve petals. They might be a native species? Not sure though. There's another one with yellow petals.
This looks like I'm cheating because it looks pinkish rather than purple, but it is definitely a subdued lavender colour in real life. If I can get a more accurate pic, I will.
And there you go. Plenty of purple to please your palate😊 Or to pickle your prose. But hopefully the former. Enjoy!
Du fond du coeur x
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