This piece was put together in response to a writing dare by @StoryBandit on Twitter, whose exact words were:
"We dare you to write a 149-word poem using the following words: mimosa, contiguous, ladle hanks, #writingdare"
The dares don't say anything about using the words in the exact given order (thank goodness!) :-)
The watering hole sits
"We dare you to write a 149-word poem using the following words: mimosa, contiguous, ladle hanks, #writingdare"
The dares don't say anything about using the words in the exact given order (thank goodness!) :-)
The watering hole sits
At the very edges
Of the known world.
Carefully contiguous,
Carefully contiguous,
With the Badlands beyond,
But even the building leans away
Back towards the known world
Back towards the known world
As much as it can.
Here, humidity hugs skin
With the fervour of a drowning man
Algae blooms on everything
That remains still.
Its patrons have their reasons
The walls are rendered
With their desperation,
Fear and greed.
With their desperation,
Fear and greed.
But Badlands stories beckon
As they do
Luring victims and venturers
Feeding legends.
Hanks of hair
Hang from a wall
A token memorial
To Badlands' venturers.
They dangle near displays
Of ladles, hairbrushes, watches
Useless niceties mocked.To Badlands' venturers.
They dangle near displays
Of ladles, hairbrushes, watches
The girl is out of place
She orders a Mimosa
Virgin, no less
The snicker sounds
Like a collective cough.
She sits young, confident
Unaware that the longer she stays
The greater the chance
One day
The greater the chance
One day
This place will seep
Into her very marrow.
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