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Showing posts from July, 2022

I deleted 300+ titles out of my Kindle

I purged some 300+ titles out of my kindle recently. And I don't mean just deleting them out my kindle app library.  I mean, I actually went into my amazon account and went to the 'manage my content and devices' link and jettisoned them permanently. When you do the permanent delete, you get asked 'are you sure?' for every single title. So that's 300+ 'yes, I'm sures'. I'm not sure if this would be considered a drastic move or standard housekeeping. Regardless, it was a well overdue step for me. You see, back when I set up and downloaded my first kindle app (circa 2012-ish), I was thrilled by the number of free ebooks available. I downloaded tons of stuff with carefree abandon. All of it. Fantasy-chosen-ones, bodice-rippers, classics, thrillers, chick-lits, dystopian sci-fi, kids books, recipe books... and everything in between.  It was probably the least picky (discerning?) I've ever been with my reading choices. I mean, they were all free, I...

Bird Stories

It seems that bird season starts around mid-winter here in Brisbane, Australia. I have a couple of 2021 posts which detailed my bird adventures, and I'm pretty sure those posts started around June/July last year too. And so begin the 2022 encounters worries stories.  I should add that I hummed and hawed about whether to record these or not here at Dodo-land. On the one hand, they're tiny moments in time and place which are usually forgotten by the following day or week. And sometimes they're worth remembering. On the other hand, it feels - I dunno - a bit... morbidly focused on nature-things I can't change? But I think I'd rather remember than not. The Plovers The first moment is about a pair of nesting plover birds (not the same as the pair I blogged about last year ; we live in a different suburb of Brisbane now). This new local pair had successfully raised 4 chicks last year. I know, because I saw them all thriving and grooving in all their mature-feathered glor...