It's been one of those funny weeks. Not the kind I'd usually try and remember. Normally, a week like this gets concertina-ed into a bunch of other indifferent weeks - to be folded up, forgotten and never remembered again. Yet, here I am. There've been several tributaries of me, and they nearly all ran blue this week. Physiologically, chemically - blips. Disappointments are low-key. Easy enough to gloss over, keep sailing. But in honest moments, the undercurrents can be indigo-blue. Low energy, exhaustion. Meh food/dinners. Played catch-up. Badly. Deliberately stepped off the personal wagon of trying to avoid simple refined carbs and sugars. Will try and reset this weekend. Shrug. What else do you do? Work. Had a biggish regular task taken off my plate this week. Nothing to do with how I was doing the job, but more rearrangement of resources - at least, that's how it's been couched to me. I can understand why it was done and the bigger picture etc, and I...