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Showing posts from December, 2014

My Best FridayPhrases Pieces of 2014

In 2014, Twitter came alive for me when I discovered word prompt games to inspire fiction, micro-fiction, micro-poetry, fun, and Twitter communities of like-minded creatives. (I wrote about this earlier this year). Now, as 2014 comes to an end, I wanted to collect all my best pieces in one place, starting with my favourite compositions for FridayPhrases (known on Twitter by its short-hand hash-tag, #FP).

The Badlands Beyond

This piece was put together in response to a writing dare by @StoryBandit on Twitter, whose exact words were: "We dare you to write a 149-word poem using the following words: mimosa, contiguous, ladle hanks, #writingdare" The dares don't say anything about using the words in the exact given order (thank goodness!) :-)

The Lava Fields

This lil piece of flash fiction is my first attempt at taking on a writing dare offered by @StoryBandit on Twitter: