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Showing posts from April, 2014

No Surprises: Rollicking Adventure and Romance

In The Artist's Way book, a workbook aimed at helping you (re-)discover your creativity, one of the exercises asks you to list your favourite movies. The logic is that, often, there is a (fairly obvious) theme to the kinds of movies and stories that we like, but that we are sometimes not aware of.  I'm a skilled procrastinator, so I've been reworking my list in my head for, well, long enough.

Valley of the Waters: Summer Bushwalk

As I write this in April 2014, we are barreling through autumn here in the Blue Mountains in Australia. It actually feels as though autumn has been eagerly hanging around, trying to stake a claim on our corner of the world since mid-February. I find myself already pining for what feels like a very brief summer. And I harken back to one of the stand-out days of the summer: the day we did the Valley of the Waters bushwalk.