Sometimes I look out for out-of-the-ordinary stuff on YouTube to entertain my Little One. You know. for when the standard screen distractions lose their appeal, and you need something attention-catching so you can just get a quick break, gulp down the remains of that cold cup of tea, make that much-needed dash to the bathroom, or drag the laundry out of the hysterically-beeping washing machine. For such moments, I do what anyone with a childhood in Mauritius--with all its French, English, Hindi and other pop culture influences, plus the ad hoc, scattered connections to the those influences that someone who migrated to Australia in their pre-internet, tweeny years--would do. I scanned YouTube for French cartoons and Bollywood songs, starting the ones I could remember from my long-ago childhood. I hoped YouTube's recommendations would find other good ones. After some detours--in retrospect, it was probably not wise to jump between French cartoons and Bollywood classics--YouTube even...