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Showing posts from March, 2015

Frankie Gets into Hollywood

This story was born out of a piece of FridayPhrases micro-fiction on the theme of "Only human". (I love FridayPhrases and have gushed about it at length here ). This was the micro-fic that I initially came up with on Twitter:  "Frankenstein,Dracula & TheMummy glared at the Bouncer who said "Only humans." He got a philosophical lecture abt being human & a thump." This image tickled me enough that

Morsels of Micropoetry

Thanks to the regular prompts of Fieryverse and HeartSoup on Twitter, I've ended up composing many tiny pieces of poetry. Looking back at some of my 2014 efforts, I have to say I'm really pleased with how they've turned out - either a clever turn of phrase, or a recognition of the mood/image that I was going for at the time (which means I captured it pretty accurately!)