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Showing posts from October, 2014

The Wonderful World of Friday Phrases

In a corner of the Twitterverse, there is a wondrous galaxy called Friday Phrases.  I stumbled onto it in the first half of 2014 and became quickly smitten. You see, Friday Phrases is all about micro-fiction - creating, doing, playing and celebrating it. 

Wen and Wy Join the Farm

The sun rose, promising another warm day for the animals of Ebony-Dodo Farm. "Good morning all!" Rico the Rooster sang out cheerfully. "Ready to tackle the day??" "Good morning, Rico," said Dood the cow politely doing some deep knee-bends, swishing out her tail around and twirling her neck from side to side.  Yippee and Youppee, the two oxen, were surly as they always in the morning and grunted responses which were lost behind their snaffles of their breakfast hay.  OlĂ© the Goat danced around on the hard earth, and threw in a couple of twirling dance moves. "I am ready!!" She announced, letting her rear legs do a separate dance to her front ones